How to Treat Dandruff Effectively

Most of us have experienced Dandruff at one time or another. Dandruff is a frustrating condition that results in dead skin cells being shed more regularly than normal. It can be a cause of embarrassment particularly as the white flakes of your scalp can become quite visible on dark clothing.

How to treat Dandruff

While Dandruff itself is relatively common the majority of people who experience it are not aware of how to treat dandruff effectively, opting for a dandruff specific shampoo but little else. In fact, many people do not even attempt to deal with the problem at all, hoping the problem goes away over time, which it often does eventually.

As with most health issues before we can deal with a specific problem it’s best to first understand it and then develop a plan. in the following article we will take a closer look at Dandruff, explain the causes and provide some useful tips to help you treat your dandruff problem.

What’s causing your Dandruff

Excess dandruff can be caused by a number of reasons and the truth is in some cases it can be treated more effectively than others, although it must be said in almost all cases you can certainly reduce the extent of the problem. In a nutshell our skin cells are in a constant state of renewal, Dandruff is essentially what occurs when skin renewal of the scalp is increased causing the dead skin to be removed more quickly resulting in the visible flaking often seen on clothing items.

It’s a fact that some of us shed dead skin cells more rapidly while others may find their problem is a result of feeling run down or stressed or indeed both. Below is a list of the most common causes of Dandruff:

  • Infrequent shampooing and brushing
    If you are not regularly shampooing your hair, skin cells will being to build up as they are not being removed by the manual act of washing your hair. The same can be said for brushing your hair. While there are some distinct advantages to not washing your hair excessively, in the case of Dandruff it’s an important preventative measure.
  • Too much shampooing
    At the other end of the spectrum, if you shampoo your hair every day and have a Dandruff problem it may benefit from giving your scalp a break and only shampooing every second day. Some shampoos, conditioners and hair products can cause scalp irritation which may result in Dandruff.
  • Dry Scalp
    Your scalp may be too dry resulting in an increased turnover of skin cells. If you suspect this is the case it’s recommended to try using a deep conditioning treatment on your hair and scalp, speak to your hairdresser for a recommendation on the most suitable product for your scalp and apply once per week. Essential oils such can also reduce scalp dryness which along with reducing Dandruff offer a range of benefits to your hair and scalp.
  • Skin Condition
    There are known skin/scalp conditions that can cause Dandruff:
    • Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes irritation of the scalp resulting is inflamed patches, flaking skin and Dandruff. In infants, it is commonly known as cradle cap. It can also affect other parts of the body including your eyebrows and chest although this is often less noticeable. While the condition itself is quite common it requires a sustained effort to eradicate. In most cases, an anti-fungal shampoo is the most effective treatment.
    • Malassezia is a type of fungus naturally found on our bodies, it’s found on our scalp and feeds on oily skin. The trick to defeating Malassezia is using an anti-fungal shampoo that contains Zinc, this should be left overnight to eradicate the fungal infection.
    • Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin condition that results in scaly patches of the scalp. It can also be found behind your ears and elbows. There’s no cure for Psoriasis, but it can be managed to an extent. While the skin replacement cycle often takes approx. 4 weeks, those who suffer Psoriasis replace skin typically in less than 7 days.
    • Eczema is a broad term that refers to inflammation of the Epidermis (the outer layer of your skin) it can result in redness, crusting and in some cases quite a severe itch. While stress does not directly cause Eczema as many believe it can make the condition much worse. Symptoms can be triggered in some people by consuming nuts and dairy.
  • Stress
    Stress is thought to be responsible for a number of health conditions although it is difficult to prove. In the case of Dandruff, while not considered as a cause it can exacerbate the problem.
  • Nutrition and Diet
    While there are no studies that prove nutrition is a contributing factor is it believed in some that a diet low in Vitamin B and Zinc can also contribute to Dandruff.

How to Treat Dandruff

Is there a best shampoo for dandruff?

The truth is there are a number of great shampoos for fighting dandruff. But it’s impossible to recommend one that will work for you without testing. The most effective shampoo for your Dandruff may not be quite as effective for the next person. The best course of action is to try some of the products listed below that are well received and rated by consumers and see what works best for you.

  • Scalp benefits™ balancing shampoo (Aveda) – $14.00
  • Neutrogena Daily Control Dandruff Shampoo – $7.00 (Comes very highly rated especially for those with excessively oily hair. (2 in 1))
  • Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special shampoo – $9.50 (The best Anti-Dandruff shampoo according to most hairdressers. Tea Tree oil is very good soothing itches and conditioning your scalp)
  • Tea Tree Oil Shampoo (Jason) – $8.50 (Another highly rated tea tree oil dandruff shampoo and considered the best shampoo for dandruff according to
  • No Flakin Way Dandruff Shampoo (Herbal Essences) – $4.50 (People who have used this product rate it highly for relief from dry scalp itch)
  • Neutrogena Daily Control Dandruff Shampoo
    This Dandruff shampoo is particularly appealing as it is a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner. The active ingredient is Zinc Pyrithione (1%) which is found in many anti-dandruff shampoos and will combat dandruff and even Dermatitis to an extent. This shampoo also conditions the scalp with a mixture of wheat proteins and Vitamin E.

It’s not Just about the Dandruff Shampoo

Having the best Dandruff shampoo wont combat dandruff on it’s own. You need to wash your hair effectively also. It’s important to remember that washing your hair too frequently e.g. daily is not actually all that good for your hair and scalp. Washing your hair too often can cause your scalp to dry and that in turn will result in more dandruff.

The fact is there really is no need to wash your hair daily and it’s fine to let it go more than a day, sometimes even two or three days is fine depending on your hair length and if your hair is oily.

When you do wash your hair don’t just give your scalp a gentle rub, really scrub your scalp and remove excess dead skin cells so they are not left in your hair. Start from the middle of your scalp and work outwards. There’s no need to be too rigorous but you do need to scrub your scalp and make sure you cover every inch of your scalp. Once you have finished rinse and repeat especially if you have quite a build up of dandruff.

The Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo for Men

You may notice different Dandruff shampoos, or shampoos in general marketed as men’s or woman’s. In reality there is no best dandruff shampoo for men or women. Sorry to dispel the myth but the idea that men’s and women’s shampoos are vastly different is merely a clever piece of marketing and little more.

What men and women need to look for in a Dandruff Shampoo

Another reason the myth of men’s and women’s shampoos exists may be due to the stereotypical hair styles associated with males and females. The fact is length of hair really makes no difference to your choice of anti dandruff shampoo, as dandruff is an irritation of the scalp. Your hair may be covered in dandruff but the problem starts and finishes with your scalp. As a result your length of hair won’t be a determining factor when it comes to choosing the best dandruff shampoo for men or women.

The level of oils in your hair however can play a part in deciding which brand of dandruff shampoo to choose. Oily hair is equally a problem for men or women naturally. However women will typically put their hair through more stress e.g. coloring, blowdrying and styling. With this in mind it’s often the case that men will have naturally oilier hair in comparison as their hair won’t be as damaged or dried out, although this isn’t always the case. If your hair is quite oily one of the best dandruff shampoos is:

While it makes for an effective marketing campaign, not to mention the packaging may be completely different the actual product is almost identical. The major exception to this is often the scent of the shampoo. Most women prefer something with an attractive ‘fruity’ scent while this isn’t considered quite so appealing to men.

So if you are a male or female with a severe dandruff problem the shampoo your other half is using and claims to work wonders for them is certainly worth a try for you too. Men you may not like the smell but if it controls your dandruff you won’t find it so terrible. If you do experience a sensitive scalp it may have more to do with the chemicals found in your shampoo such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is a known abrasive agent, this is found equally in men and woman’s shampoos.

The Final Word

In a nutshell it’s difficult to blame Dandruff on any one particular cause, there are a number of reasons you may have Dandruff and a number of contributing factors that can make the problem worse. If you have a particularly severe case of Dandruff it’s recommended to speak to a health professional who can recommend an effective anti-fungal shampoo and recommend a course of action to help you treat your Dandruff. Lastly, be sure to keep in mind that shampoos are more or less treating the symptoms, if you do have a persistent Dandruff problem that is exacerbated by stress or poor health you will need to treat the cause as well as the symptoms or you will find your Dandruff issue returns regularly.


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